The Institute of Chartered Accountants of Sri Lanka

The Institute of Chartered Accountants of Sri Lanka (CA Sri Lanka) is the national body of accountants in Sri Lanka incorporated by an Act of Parliament in 1959. As the sole authority in promulgating accounting and auditing standards in Sri Lanka, CA Sri Lanka has contributed immensely towards fostering financial knowledge, promulgating globally accepted accounting and auditing standards and thereby bringing the financial landscape of Sri Lanka to a firm footing. The Institute holds memberships of the South Asian Federation of Accountants, which is an apex body of SAARC, Confederation of
Asian and Pacific Accountants, and International Federation of Accountants.

The Institute serves a membership of over 5100 of which a significant percentage are high profile corporate leaders such as Chairmen, Managing Directors, CEOs, and CFOs among others. CA Sri Lanka also has an active student base that currently stands at 44,000, making it also one of the largest tertiary education establishments in the country.