What amendments to IFRSs will companies be impacted by from 2023 and beyond? What projects are underway to help companies to effectively communicate financial information on their financial statements? Attend this year’s virtual seminar where we will have these questions answered by walking you through the changes in the financial reporting landscape.
- Gain an awareness of the amendments to IFRSs issued since the 2022 IFRS Update.
- Gain an understanding of the key accounting principles, and the application thereof, of the IFRSs covered.
- Obtain an update on the recent IFRS developments
- Obtain an update on the activities of the IFRS Interpretations Committee
09:00 – 13:00
Who should attend?
This seminar is aimed at preparers, auditors and users of financial statements that are prepared in accordance with IFRS and academics.
CPD hours
4 hours
Members – Free
Non Members – R350.00