The Sustainability Directory
The Chartered Accountants Worldwide Sustainability Directory is a global directory of Chartered Accountancy Institute Members who are leaders in sustainability and environmental reporting. The directory provides a point of contact for users to connect with experienced professionals who can help them navigate the complex world of sustainable business practices.
Sustainability Directory
Sarah Reay
Climate Change Manager, ICAEW
Susan Rossney
Sustainability Officer, Chartered Accountants Ireland
Khursheed Kotwal
Chairperson Digital Accounting and Assurance Board, Institute of Chartered Accountants Pakistan
Nazia Akmal
Manager Scholarships, Institute Chartered Accountants Pakistan
Vicki Caldwell
Sustainability Lead for Account Management, Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand
Terence Lam
Head of Professional Standards, Institute of Singapore Chartered Accountants
Nomsa Nkomo
Project Director: Sustainability Reporting, Integrated Reporting and Thinking
Fiona Donnelly
Director of Sustainability (maternity cover), The Institute of Chartered Accountants of Scotland (ICAS)
Owen Mavengere
Technical Director, The Institute of Chartered Accountants of Zimbabwe
Asad Feroze
Vice President, The Institute of Chartered Accountants of Pakistan