Ethics is a foundational competency for all members of the profession and a cornerstone of our brand. All SAICA members are therefore required to annually provide evidence of regular reflections on ethics values and attitudes as part of their CPD compliance. In order to support our members in this regular practical reflection, SAICA will be hosting a series of monthly ethics webinars, where thought provoking conversations will compel members to reflect on personal, business and professional ethics as they relate to their real world environment.
08:30 – 10:30
Topics for 2024
- Business ethics in South Africa (8 February 2024)
- Creating a workplace environment that values and upholds integrity (14 March 2024)
- Ethical implications of Generative AI (11 April 2024)
- Role and Mindset (9 May 2024)
- Roles of Professional Accountants in Public Practice and in Business (13 June 2024)
- Ethical wellness (11 July 2024)
- Whistleblowing and Professional Responsibility (15 August 2024)
- Technology and Privacy (12 September 2024)
- Ethical leadership in South Africa (10 October 2024)
- Professional Development: What’s ethics got to do with it? (14 November 2024)
Who should attend?
All members and associates of SAICA as well as members of the public who wish to engage with experts on topical ethics issues.
CPD hours
2 hours
This event was first published by SAICA at the following URL: