Times of economic turmoil can create new opportunities for actors seeking to corrupt public and private activities. Manifest in different forms – from bribery to misappropriation, abuse of office to illicit enrichment – failure to tackle corruption can have devastating consequences. In addition to posing significant risks across a wide range of business areas, corruption can open the door to criminal infiltration across public offices, undermining citizens’ trust in the rule of law. A joined-up approach by all actors, public and private, is required to effectively prevent and fight against the insidious nature of corruption and illicit finance.
Renewed regulatory efforts to combat corruption are visible across different jurisdictions – including in the EU, where the anti-corruption package currently being negotiated seeks to strengthen the existing legal framework, based on the UN Convention Against Corruption.
As part of the 25th Anniversary of the OECD Anti-Bribery Convention, IFAC (The International Federation of Accountants), ICAEW (the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales) and IBA (The International Bar Association), in collaboration with the OECD, are pleased to invite you to special online event which considers the urgent need to foster cultures of integrity and active enforcement to tackle the risk of corruption.
A more detailed agenda will be shortly available.
Time: 9:00 AM – 10:30 AM CET (GMT +1) | 3:00 PM – 4:30 PM EST (GMT -5)