ICAEW needs your help!

ICAEW Board vacancies

Join ICAEW Technical Boards and Committees

ICAEW maintains a number of Boards and Committees to guide our work interacting with regulators, standard setters and legislators. ICAEW are advertising for applicants to join their Technical Boards and Committees in 2021.

How to apply for committee vacancies

  1. Complete an application form and send this together with your CV directly to the email address listed on the role profile form (see current vacancies above).
  2. Complete the Diversity Monitoring form and send to Emma.Gilfillian@icaew.com.
  3. Deadline for applications is 14 December 2020 at 5pm (GMT).

Please note that you are not eligible to serve on a technical committee if you are also on a regulatory committee.

List of committee vacancies

Here you will find the list of vacancies and relevant details to apply.