The Institute of Chartered Accountants of Zimbabwe (ICAZ) was recently accepted as a member of the prestigious global network of Chartered Accountants bodies, Chartered Accountants Worldwide (CAW). Speaking from the CAW event where ICAZ was welcomed to the network in New York on 23 February 2020, the ICAZ CEO, Gloria Zvaravanhu, expressed how exciting it was to be part of the global network for the benefit of the institute and its members and for putting Zimbabwe on the global map.
“The Institute’s mission is to enhance the international standing and recognition of the CA(Z) qualification to support its members in providing quality services in the public interest, this initiative does just that”, she said.
ICAZ becomes the 15th member to join this global Chartered Accountancy network. The CAW member bodies are committed to enhancing the value and socio-economic contribution of the Chartered Accountancy brand and the profession and works to develop and promote the vital role that Chartered Accountants play in the global economy.
The founding institutes of the network are Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand (CA ANZ), Chartered Accountants Ireland (CAI), Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales (ICAEW), the South African Institute of Chartered Accountants (SAICA) and the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Scotland (ICAS). ICAZ has for many years had mutual recognition agreements with all these leading institutes where they recognise each other’s qualifications as equal in standing.
Fungai Kuipa, ICAZ’s President expressed how ICAZ was a worldwide brand as its members had career mobility and the flexibility to work anywhere in the world, proudly representing Zimbabwe.
“Membership and recognition from CAW is a confirmation and acknowledgement of the strength of the CA Zimbabwe qualification, ranking equally with leading Chartered Accountancy brands in the CAW network. The CA(Z) brand is in sync with the ever-changing regional and global environment and attests to the international standing and rigour of the CA qualification process,” Kuipa said.
“Our qualification speaks for itself internationally, our members are leaders not just in Zimbabwe but internationally, facts speak for themselves and cannot be disputed” Kuipa added. The CA(Z) members will welcome the opportunity to associate with CAW and its network of over 750,000 Chartered Accountants, to strengthen the role of the accountancy profession and influence the future of the global profession.
Michael Izza, CAW’s Chairman and also CEO of ICAEW said: “I am delighted to welcome ICAZ to the CAW family. Every member brings something new to the table and we look forward to working with them on developing the profession and enhancing the value to our members collectively”.
He said ICAZ has played a key role in developing the accountancy profession in Zimbabwe over the last century and shares CAW’s ambition to “work together to promote the very highest standards of the profession globally”.