The Institute of Chartered Accountants of Zimbabwe (ICAZ) is the longest established and largest Zimbabwean professional accountancy organization.
It was set up on 11 January 1918 and is a statutory body incorporated in terms of the Chartered Accountants Act [Chapter 27:02]. It is a leading professional membership organization that promotes and develops the accountancy profession in Zimbabwe. The mission of the Institute is to enhance the International standing of the qualification CA(Z) for the benefit of its members, to support them in providing quality services in the public interest. Its goal is to be the pre-eminent professional body in the development and promotion of accountancy, assurance and advisory services, business and good governance practices.
Zimbabwean Chartered Accountants are ubiquitous; they are found anywhere in the world occupying influential positions. As leaders in accountancy, finance and business, ICAZ members have the knowledge, skills and commitment to maintain the highest professional standards and quality. ICAZ is respected for its work in promoting high quality financial reporting and auditing standards in Zimbabwe, and in developing and maintaining the quality and competence of professional accountants to meet current and future business and market needs. It also works to enhance the reputation of the accounting profession in all sectors of the economy, underpinned by its values of Integrity, Responsibility and Honesty.