Episode 5: Breaking Barriers in Finance – Asma Shabaz’s Journey to Success

Meet Asma Shabaz, a Chartered Accountant from Pakistan who’s breaking barriers and transforming the financial landscape. In a candid conversation, Asma will share her remarkable journey from a determined accounting student to a respected professional in process governance and business ops risk at Mashreq Bank.

The world of auditing and risk management is undergoing a seismic shift, thanks in no small part to the power of analytics. Asma will discuss how comprehensive data analysis is reshaping the industry, moving beyond traditional sampling to extract deeper insights. We will also examine the challenges and rewards of adapting educational curriculums to include robust data analytics training.

Asma’s narrative encourages us to champion authenticity and mutual empowerment. Her contribution to financial services is a beacon for women everywhere, as is this conversation – a part of our Difference Makers series – where we honor those shaping the financial future.

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Difference Makers Discuss Ep 4

Difference Makers Discuss Live Episode 4 with Naomi Walsh

Embark on a journey with Naomi Walsh, the trailblazing Vice President of Chartered Accountants Australia  and New Zealand, as she unveils her extraordinary ascent in the accounting world.

Difference Makers Discuss Live Episode 3

Difference Makers Discuss Live Episode 3 with Kovini Moodley

Breaking Barriers and Building Legacies: Unveiling the Transformative Power of Collaboration, Mentorship, and Inclusive Leadership in Business with Kovini Moodley

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Difference Makers Discuss Live Episode 2: Maria Teo

Sinead meets Caroline Sherry, CFO and Executive Director at Hostelworld Group. Hear how Caroline, a Chartered Accountant, used her qualifications to rise to become the CFO of the worlds largest online hostel booking platform. And she shares her insights on business, tech, and conquering challenges in the male-dominated world of business and finance.

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Meet the Speakers

Asma Shabaz

Asma Shabaz, EVP | Governance & Ops Risk | Enterprise Risk | Internal/ External Audit | Risk Professional | IRCR Project Lead | Chartered Accountant | xPwC | xSCB

Asma Shahbaz’s professional journey has been a testament to her expertise in the financial sector. Here’s a glimpse into her career.

With Mashreq, Asma currently serves as the Head of Process Governance and Business Ops Risk. In this role, she has been instrumental in enhancing efficiency and managing operational risks.

During her tenure at HBL – Habib Bank Limited, Asma led as the Head of Risk Reporting and Analytics in the Enterprise Risk Management (#ERM) division. He strategic insights contributed to robust risk management practices.

At Standard Chartered Bank, Asma held the position of Senior Audit Manager. Her responsibilities included overseeing audit processes, showcasing her mastery in managing audits within the dynamic banking industry.

As a Manager at A. F. Ferguson & Co. (a member firm of the PwC network), Asma played a pivotal role in crafting managerial strategies. Her nearly seven years with the company were marked by dedication and #excellence.

Throughout her career, Asma Shahbaz has demonstrated #leadership, innovation, and a steadfast commitment to excellence in the financial domain

Sinead Donovan

Our Host: Sinead Donovan, Chairperson of Grant Thornton and President of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in Ireland

Sinead is the Chairperson of Grant Thornton and in the President of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in Ireland. Sinead joined Grant Thornton in 2002 and was admitted to the partnership in 2005, becoming the first female partner. She specialising in providing services to multinational companies and is partner in an international team which services the global needs of these mature and large companies, with particular regard to central reporting on multiple jurisdictions in Irish headquarters and/or Shared Service Centres. She was instrumental in founding the Irish/US Group, which is a permanent department, consisting of an Irish directors based in the US. This link ensures a seamless service offering between the Irish and US firms to relevant clients.

Sinead has been on the Council of the institute of Chartered Accountants for some 10 years and is an advocate for the accountancy profession. She is passionate about the need to ensure the profession utilises technology and AI smartly and effectively and is also a firm believer in the global qualification of Chartered Accountancy as the world becomes more connected.

Sinead is a strong believer in the importance of Inclusion; Diversity and Equity to ensure a motivated, effective and thriving work place. She is an advocate for mental wellbeing initiatives and a former chairperson of CA SUPPORT which is the body tasked with providing support to all Chartered members and students in Ireland.