Each webinar is equivalent to 1 NASBA CPE point in Business Management and Organisation. The webinar is open to any participant but is focused toward finance professionals.
08:00 GMT
This interactive webinar will focus on enhancing investor engagement on sustainability. This interactive session will equip investor relations teams with practical concepts, tools and case studies to effectively communicate the drivers of sustainable value to investors.
- Victoria Sant, Senior Advisor, Investor Forum
- Maricris Aldover-Ysmael, VP Investor Relations, Metro Pacific Investments Corporation (MPIC)
- Kelly Hibbins, Group Head of Investor Relations, Ramsay Health Care
After the webinar, you will be able to:
- Follow the guiding principles and best practices for engaging investors on sustainability-related matters
- Understand the current investor landscape and the key focus areas of investor relations teams
- Translate the experience and learning of others (from practical examples shared during the webinar) to your work
This event was first published by Accounting for Sustainability at the following URL: https://www.accountingforsustainability.org/en/events/events/A4S-events/2024/sustainability-in-action-webinar-enhancing-investor-engagement-nov-24.html