Wednesday 13 September 2023
11am until 12pm BST
Free to attend
Event summary
Join ICAS and RSM for our joint webinar, hosted by Charities Panel Chair, Keith Macpherson, on what’s new in charity financial reporting. We will also be joined by our main speaker Kelly Adams who will take you through key sector developments. Kelly is RSM’s Head of Not-for-Profit in Scotland and a member of the ICAS Charities Panel.
This webinar will provide the opportunity to hear about the latest developments in charity financial reporting in advance of anticipated changes to FRS 102 and the Charities SORP. The webinar will also explore how recent key changes to auditing standards are impacting on the work of charity auditors and provide insights into how charities can conduct a successful audit tendering exercise.
The Financial Reporting Council is currently analysing responses from its consultation on proposed changes to UK GAAP, including FRS 102. The FRC’s primary aim for FRS 102 is to reflect key changes made to IFRS Accounting Standard on accounting for contracts with customers and leasing. The webinar will explore the implications for charities from these changes and explore other topical financial reporting issues impacting on the sector.
There will also be an update on the Charities SORP Development process, established by the Charities SORP-making body, to support the preparation of the next edition of the Charities SORP. The next edition of the SORP will reflect what key FRS 102 changes mean for charity accounts along with some other changes intended to better meet the needs to the sector.
Changes to auditing standards mean that auditors are having to continue to evolve the way they approach audit engagements. The webinar will touch on some recent key developments in auditing and how charities’ experience of being audited may be impacted.
Charities may have found finding an auditor more challenging in recent times and so the webinar will provide some timely suggestions on how to get the most out of an audit tendering exercise.
This event will be of interest to charity finance professionals, charity trustees with oversight responsibility for accounts and audit, including anyone preparing Charities SORP accounts or advising charities on financial reporting related matters. This free webinar is open for all to attend, including non-members.
Key themes and topics
- Charities
- Financial reporting
- Revised FRS 102
- Development of the Charities SORP
- New OSCR duties to publish charity annual reports and accounts
- Audit issues
Host & Speaker
(Please note that views and opinions expressed by speakers at ICAS webinars are their own and not necessarily reflective of ICAS’ views.)
Host: Keith Macpherson, Audit Partner, Henderson Loggie. Keith is also the Chair of the ICAS Charities Panel
Kelly Adams, Audit Partner, Head of Not-for-profit in Scotland, RSM UK. Kelly is also a member of the ICAS Charities Panel
Who’s this for?
- ICAS members
- ICAS students
- Non-members with an interest in charity reporting