Building Resilience:
A #FinBiz2030 Series

There has been no more important time for our industry to unite and mobilise in order to adapt to the impacts of Covid-19, and young leaders are forming a critical part of that response.

As such, One Young World and Chartered Accountants Worldwide are thrilled to confirm a new event series under the Finance&Business2030 umbrella, ‘Building Resilience: A #FinBiz2030 Series’.

A recent OYW survey found that two thirds of young people surveyed (64%) did not believe that their country’s leadership is doing enough to support young people during this time of crisis.

15% noted mental health as the most worrying concern, behind health (22.7%) and employment opportunities (20.79%). Encouragingly, 87% of respondents were given reasons to be hopeful for the future.

As part of the Series, and inspired by the survey, we will bring you insight and experience from young leaders and experts that will equip you with the knowledge and confidence to lead through this uncertain time. These online events are intended to be global, interactive, inspirational and practical.

They will last one hour and will cover a range of topics, starting with a first event focusing on mental health and wellbeing.

Featured Event

Intergenerational Event

Making COP26 Count

An Intergenerational discussion on how to make a just transition. CAW are partnering with ICAS to bring you a lively event to discuss the outcomes of COP26 and the findings of our global climate research amongst young leaders.

Building Resilience Podcast

Building Resilience Podcast

Building Resilience: A FINBIZ2030 Podcast

Thousands of people from over a hundred countries have participated in the FinBiz2030 Building Resilience Webinar Series. We’ve taken some of the inspiring stories told by young leaders from around the world in these webinars, and created the Building Resilience Podcast. Each short episode, contains a single story from one of the webinar contributors.

Join us to learn about how young people in the business and finance community are providing global leadership through taking local action.  And learn how you can help create a sustainable future and tackle the greatest challenges of the 21st Century.

Building Resilience Highlights

Building Resilience Webinars


Greenwashing – Avoid, Identify, Act!

Join The Financial Times Chief UK Business Correspondent, Daniel Thomas as he leads a truly global panel of experts to guide you on how can you ensure your organisation’s environmental statements are accurate and would not be susceptible to allegations of greenwashing.

APAFest Change for Sustainability

APAFest – Change for Sustainability

APA Fest 2022 culminated in a joint session with FinBiz2030 – part of the FinBiz2030 Building Resilience event series. The webinar took place on the 10th of November 2022, with the theme “Change for Sustainability”.

Recover Refocus Rebuild

Building Resilience – Recover Refocus Rebuild

It is critical for nations to invest in innovation and to design sustainable ecosystems for everyone to succeed in. This generation of young leaders must be part of the change. Join as we hear from leaders who will provide a local and global perspective on the shared challenges facing us all.

Wind turbines

Accounting for net zero

It is critical for nations to invest in innovation and to design sustainable ecosystems for everyone to succeed in. This generation of young leaders must be part of the change. Join as we hear from leaders who will provide a local and global perspective on the shared challenges facing us all.

Sustainability and Innovation

Building Resilience: Sustainability & Innovation

It is critical for nations to invest in innovation and to design sustainable ecosystems for everyone to succeed in. This generation of young leaders must be part of the change. Join as we hear from leaders who will provide a local and global perspective on the shared challenges facing us all.

Building Resilience: Climate Change: Global leadership, local action

Building Resilience: Climate Change: Global leadership, local action

The challenges presented by the climate crisis are often acutely local in focus, but the leadership required to tackle them is global. How can young leaders in business and finance help connect the two?


Building Resilience: The business case for doing good

Join us to learn more about the business case for the sustainable development agenda, and hear from leaders who have innovated responsible business solutions, and contributed to a changing culture around positive impact.


Building Resilience: Better Leadership, a better future

As young people enter the workforce, they are hungry for opportunities to learn, contribute and lift others alongside them to create a positive impact. With this event, we showcase what is possible and what real leadership looks like.

caw network usa-6

Building Resilience: Leadership, Purpose and Ethics

The economic crisis touching every part of the world is forcing organisations to re-examine their values and broader purpose. Join us as we hear from leaders who will tell us why young people must have the knowledge and resilience to address the challenges confronting our professional and personal lives.


Building Resilience: Equality. Diversity. Opportunity.

Join us as we learn from those who have lived those experiences, lifted others in communities who needed them, and are leveraging new innovations to architect a more inclusive world. Leave this event with the means and motivation to address inequality in your personal and professional lives.


OYW Manchester 2022

One Young World 2022 – A Look Back

This year’s annual One Young World Summit took place in Manchester, England and brought together over two thousand of the brightest young leaders from every country and sector, working to accelerate social impact both in-person and digitally. Delegates arrived from over 190 countries and were counselled by influential political, business, and humanitarian leaders such as Justin Trudeau, Paul Polman and Meghan Markle, and many others to harness the knowledge and skills needed for being impactful change makers.

Intergenerational Event

Key insights from the ‘Making COP26 Count’ global debate

Over 1,300 people from 68 countries joined our final FinBiz2030 event of the year: Making Cop26 Count hosted in partnership with the Institute of Chartered Accountants Scotland, reflecting on the outcomes of COP26.

Climate Change

Climate change after COP26: Exclusive Chartered Accountants Worldwide survey results

More than nine out of ten Chartered Accountants and finance professionals believe accountants have an important role to play in climate change, and there is broad optimism within the profession about the measures agreed during the recent COP26 summit.

Be Social

We've designed our Carbon Footprint Guide to help you to navigate the complexities of calculating your company’s carbon footprint. Take a look
#CarbonSoftware #CarbonAccounting #Sustainability

Find out what role taxation will play in achieving net zero. In the first of a two-part series, Ed Saltmarsh, ICAEW’s Technical Manager, VAT and Customs, examines options the UK government could take in the areas of transport and energy.

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The role of taxation in achieving net zero

Taxation could be reformed to support the transition to a net-zero economy. In the first of a two-part series, Ed Saltmarsh, ICAEW’s Technical...

We held our second global future leaders think tank i New York recently - at the Gabelli School of Business - part of the Fordham University Lincoln Campus. We had young representatives from 9 of our institutes as well as students from the MBA programme at Fordham participate.