
June 3, 2021

Chartered accountants’ key leadership role in achieving net zero goals – Anne-Marie Trevelyan MP

Later this year, the UK hosts COP26 in November and also the G7. It hopes to use that opportunity to demonstrate climate leadership and, at the same time, to show that businesses and investors share the same ambition, to reduce the levels of greenhouse gas emissions.
June 2, 2021

Vincent Egunlae’s Open Private School

Vincent Egunlae is a Chartered Accountant, full time employee at Grant Thornton, whilst also being the co-founder of his charity the Open Private School. We asked Vincent a number of questions about his charity project, his motivation for joining the UK FinBiz2030 taskforce and how you can get involved to make a difference.
April 15, 2021

6 Contributor Insights from “The Business Case for Doing Good” Webinar

Over 1,500 people from 96 countries joined first #FinBiz 2030 online series of 2021 to learn more about the business case for the sustainable development agenda. The webinar was an opportunity to hear from leaders who have innovated responsible business solutions, and contributed to a changing culture around positive impact.